Details for this torrent 

World of warcraft + Burning crusade + patches
Games > PC
5.98 GB

WoW world of wacraft burning crusade patches
+6 / -1 (+5)

Nov 25, 2008

I`ve found somewhere on my pc a collection of WoW ISO`s and burning crusade installer. Downloaded few patches and added it up into one big piece of stuff, so you don`t have to bother yourself with searching for it on the internet. Everything was of course scanned, blah blah blah. Just download and play. 

In the wow megapack you`ll get :
- 4 fully working iso`s of original wow cd`s. Tested by me, used by me to play.
- Installer for burning crusade expansion
- All necessary updates to play on unoficcial servers.

have fun !


its US or EU?
EU I believe, according to the language files included. Anyway, you get all working patches within download. Why bother looking for others ?
hi how do i instal the game??
Judging from the patch files in this torrent, this is the US version of the game.

Patches are named "enUS" so most likely us..
No clue actually. Well, I do not have those files anymore on my pc, so I`m afraid you have to guess by name of patches or even better, by reading readme files included.

Also, you can right click the game exe and select properties tab. Then you go into version tab, and there will be something for sure. Hope it clears all doubts, don`t forget to tell me if you liked the torrent or not !
it's no "read me"...
I`m pretty sure WoW includes readme files after install. Look for them in the folder wgere you`ve INSTALLED the game. Anyway, just use us patches and you`ll go all way up.
How do I mount second disc, when I open install on second one nothing happens.
Pls help me
Just mount cd nr 1, install it, then when installer asks for cd 2 mount the cd 2.